Catching a bus is always an interesting experience in Malawi… You arrive to the bus station and in few seconds you are surrounded with “bus boys” who are all trying to get you to their buses. They will tell you everything to get you to go with their bus..” Take this one! This is the fastest! This is the best! This is the fastest of the fastest!” When you ask for the time they are leaving you get all kind of answers.. “It´s leaving just now now. It´s leaving 7.30. It´s leaving 9.00. It´s leaving when it´s full.” The last answer is always the correct answer, the bus will leave when it´s full, that´s for sure. So basically you just need to look for the bus which has the most people in it already. It might also be that they put some random guys to sit in the bus to look like it´s full though there is not nearly enough people for it to departure yet. They will also step on the gas to make it sound like they are leaving though they are not. It´s a tricky thing. It´s better to leave hurry to ...
Tarinoita elävästä elämästä ja vähän sen ulkopuoleltakin Mzuzusta, Malawista