I went away for a week to work in Pietarsaari, what a beautiful old city in the coast! Exploring Finland, time is running, and things happen so fast. I've realized again that life can be very surprising sometimes, you just need to keep your eyes and heart open. Again I have a change of a plan going on, gladly I'm still remaining with some alphabets! Looks like I'm going to stay in Finland for some time longer, am I happy about it? Well, to be honest I would love to be under the sun somewhere warm and nice, but I'll work on a proper plan first so then I'm free to go.
Last week there was a day that i decided to look for work, seriously I had enough of this "doing nothing, hanging around" -period, so I logged in to employment offices web site and started to look what they could offer me. I found a place where they needed cleaners, today I went to job interview in this small cleaning firm and I GOT THE PLACE! So congratulate me for my new work and by the way a whole new area for me, cleaning, but it shouldn't be so hard and I'm so glad I got something to do, it was really getting boring. So you might be wondering what's up with Africa? You know sometimes you plan something and things just don't work out the way you planned and this is very true when it comes to Africa. Well, this is what happened to me, but there is always plan B C D etc. so no problem, I will find the way to go back there, because I know that it's something that I really want. My thoughts are there everyday more and more, driving my friends crazy talking...